 Astrophotos  Projects

Martin Sparre

Research projects

Jellyfish galaxies

Fluid dynamics of jellyfish galaxies:


Sparre et al. 2024a
Sparre et al. 2024b

Outreach article: Hvad får de sjældne goplegalakser til at danne tentakler?

Galaxy mergers

A visualization showing the large-scale structure around a galaxy merger in one of my hydrodynamical simulations:

See publications about mergers:

Sparre and Springel 2016
Sparre and Springel 2017
Sparre et al. 2022

Outreach article: Computersimulering giver ny indsigt i galakse-sammenstød

Gamma-ray bursts

Gamma-ray bursts are the most violent explosions in the universe, where a collapsing star in a few seconds emits the same amount of energy as the sun emits in its entire lifetime. In an observational program, we observed Gamma-ray bursts with the X-shooter spectrograph mounted at the Very Large Telescope at Paranal in Chile.

Publications: https://arxiv.org/abs/1105.0422 https://arxiv.org/abs/1207.1447 https://arxiv.org/abs/1309.2940