 Astrophotos  Projects

Martin Sparre


Messier 35 - an open cluster - 4th March 2025

Messier 39 - an open cluster - 8th February 2025

Double cluster in Perseus - 4th February 2025

The double cluster in Perseus with a TS Optics 60mm f/6 apo and a Canon 1300D:

Orion Nebula M42 - 4th February 2025

A first attempt on the M42 with my new TS Optics 60mm f/6 apo and a Canon 1300D:

Messier 45 - Syvstjernen - 2nd February 2025

Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Moon 2023-2025

Solar images 2023-2024

A collection of Solar images from 2023-2024 taking either with a 107/700 mm APO (w. Baader's Herschel wedge), 130mm TS APO or Coronado PST for Halpha:

La Palma 2008

Here are some images from La Palma. August 2008, where we observed with the Nordical Optical Telescope.

A cumulonimbus cloud


The Nordical Optical Telescope (NOT)


The NOT:

The sunset from the NOT. Grantecan is in the left side. The bright "star" is Venus:

Lunar eclipse:

Holmes - 30th October 2007

11 * 6 sec:

M31 - 19th October 2007

M31 (the Andromeda galaxy). 10 images stacked and a total exposure time of 150 sec. 12 darkframes.

Spiral structure is visible. M32 (top left) and M110 (bottom) are also visible. Seeing: 10.5" (uncertainty: 0.5-1").

NCG 1058 (August)

The following image shows NGC 1058 which has an active galaxy nucleus (AGN). The very bright star in the galaxy is a supernova (1C).

The image was created during a image-reduction-project at KU. The raw images are made at the La Silla-observatory in Chile (not by me...).

I have used B, V and H-alpha-filters (blue, green and red) to create the colour image.

Fredag d. 24/08-2007

Images taken with my f/5 150mm Newton-telescope. I have used a Nikon D70 in primce focus. All images are stacked with Deepskystacker

M13. 7x20 sec - 2 dark frames:

The two galaxies M81 and M82 (a starburst galaxy!). 13x20sec + 11x15sec:

M57. 15x20sec and 2 dark frames: